Euclidean distance transform in PyTorch.
This is an implementation of the algorithm from the paper
"Distance Transforms of Sampled Functions"
Pedro F. Felzenszwalb & Daniel P. Huttenlocher
Theory of Computing (2012)
Although it is in PyTorch, our implementation performs loops across voxels and hence quite slow. Moreover, it takes masks as an input and therefore does not allow backpropagation.
torch >= 1.3
conda install torch-distmap -c balbasty -c pytorch
pip install torch-distmap
See our demo notebook
euclidean_distance_transform(x, ndim=None, vx=1)
"""Compute the Euclidean distance transform of a binary image
x : (..., *spatial) tensor
Input tensor. Zeros will stay zero, and the distance will
be propagated into nonzero voxels.
ndim : int, default=`x.dim()`
Number of spatial dimensions
vx : [sequence of] float, default=1
Voxel size
d : (..., *spatial) tensor
Distance map
euclidean_signed_transform(x, ndim=None, vx=1)
"""Compute the signed Euclidean distance transform of a binary image
x : (..., *spatial) tensor
Input tensor.
A negative distance will propagate into zero voxels and
a positive distance will propagate into nonzero voxels.
ndim : int, default=`x.dim()`
Number of spatial dimensions
vx : [sequence of] float, default=1
Voxel size
d : (..., *spatial) tensor
Signed distance map
l1_distance_transform(x, ndim=None, vx=1)
"""Compute the L1 distance transform of a binary image
x : (..., *spatial) tensor
Input tensor. Zeros will stay zero, and the distance will
be propagated into nonzero voxels.
ndim : int, default=`x.dim()`
Number of spatial dimensions
vx : [sequence of] float, default=1
Voxel size
d : (..., *spatial) tensor
Distance map
l1_signed_transform(x, ndim=None, vx=1)
"""Compute the signed L1 distance transform of a binary image
x : (..., *spatial) tensor
Input tensor.
A negative distance will propagate into zero voxels and
a positive distance will propagate into nonzero voxels.
ndim : int, default=`x.dim()`
Number of spatial dimensions
vx : [sequence of] float, default=1
Voxel size
d : (..., *spatial) tensor
Signed distance map
edt : a very fast CPU implementation of the same algorithm, written in C.
scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt : reference implementation, written in C, based on the paper
"A linear time algorithm for computing exact euclidean distance transforms of binary images in arbitrary dimensions"
C. R. Maurer, Jr., R. Qi, V. Raghavan
IEEE Trans. PAMI 25, 265-270, (2003)