A bundle to use swarrot inside your Symfony2 application
The recommended way to install this bundle is through
Composer. Require the swarrot/swarrot-bundle
package into your composer.json
"require": {
"swarrot/swarrot-bundle": "@stable"
Protip: you should browse the
page to choose a stable version to use, avoid the @stable
meta constraint.
Update app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Swarrot\SwarrotBundle\SwarrotBundle(),
return $bundles;
provider: pecl // pecl or amqp_lib
default_connection: rabbitmq
default_command: swarrot.command.base // Swarrot\SwarrotBundle\Command\SwarrotCommand
host: "%rabbitmq_host%"
port: "%rabbitmq_port%"
login: "%rabbitmq_login%"
password: "%rabbitmq_password%"
vhost: '/'
signal_handler: 'Swarrot\Processor\SignalHandler\SignalHandlerProcessor'
ack: 'Swarrot\Processor\Ack\AckProcessor'
max_messages: 'Swarrot\Processor\MaxMessages\MaxMessagesProcessor'
retry: 'Swarrot\Processor\Retry\RetryProcessor'
exception_catcher: 'Swarrot\Processor\ExceptionCatcher\ExceptionCatcherProcessor'
max_execution_time: 'Swarrot\Processor\MaxExecutionTime\MaxExecutionTimeProcessor'
processor: my_consumer.processor.service
retry_exchange: my_consumer_exchange
retry_attempts: 3
retry_routing_key_pattern: 'retry_%%attempt%%'
connection: rabbitmq // use the default connection by default
exchange: my_exchange
routing_key: my_routing_key
First step is to retrieve the swarrot publisher service from your controller.
$messagePublisher = $this->get('swarrot.publisher');
After you need to prepare your message with the Message class.
use Swarrot\Broker\Message;
$message = new Message('"My first message with the awesome Swarrot lib :)"');
Then you can publish a new message into a predefined configuration (connection,
exchange, routing_key, etc.) from your message_types
$messagePublisher->publish('webhook.send', $message);
When publishing a message you can override the message_types
configuration by
passing a third argument:
$messagePublisher->publish('webhook.send', $message, array(
'exchange' => 'my_new_echange',
'connection' => 'my_second_connection',
'routing_key' => 'my_new_routing_key'
Swarrot will automatically create new commands according to your configuration. This command need the queue name to consume as first argument. You can also use a named connection as second argument if you don't want to use the default one.
app/console swarrot:consume:my_consumer_name queue_name [connection_name]
Your processor will automatically be decorated by all processors named in the
section. No matter the order you list your processors,
here is the default order:
- SignalHandler
- ExceptionCatcher
- MaxMessages
- MaxExecutionTime
- Ack
- Retry
All this processors are configurable with some options:
- --poll-interval [default: 500000]: Change the polling interval when no message found in broker
- --requeue-on-error (-r): Re-queue the message in the same queue if an error occurred.
- --no-catch (-C): Disable the ExceptionCatcher processor (available only if the processor is in the stack)
- --max-execution-time (-t) [default: 300]: Configure the MaxExecutionTime processor (available only if the processor is in the stack)
- --max-messages (-m) [default: 300]: Configure the MaxMessages processor (available only if the processor is in the stack)
- --no-retry (-R): Disable the Retry processor (available only if the processor is in the stack)
This bundle is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.