Fiat Contract
Testnet |
Mainnet |
Retrieve Ethereum market price by referencing this smart contract! Finally a way for smart contracts to get how much $1.00 is in ETH. By referencing this contracts you can even automatically convert other ERC20's market prices and convert it back into ETH.
This contract doesn't need any calls, all you need to do is reference it and start converting ETH to multiple crypto's. All return values are measure in Ethereum's WEI amount, the lowest possible value. You can convert USD, EUR, and even GBP.
price = FiatContract(0x8055d0504666e2B6942BeB8D6014c964658Ca591) // MAINNET ADDRESS
price = FiatContract(0x2CDe56E5c8235D6360CCbb0c57Ce248Ca9C80909) // TESTNET ADDRESS (ROPSTEN)
- MAINNET - Every 1 hour (website has a counter for amount of days contract can run based on donations!)
- TESTNET - Every 15 minutes
Donating to the contract will help support the gas used for updating the exchange prices.
Send ETH to address 0x2138FfE292fd0953f7fe2569111246E4DE9ff1DC
with data: 0xed88c68e
gas limit: 50000
. You can also send ETH or any other ERC20 directly to the contract address. Thank you for donating!
This contract holds multiple market rates for multiple cryptocurrencies, the contract automatically converts back into ETH value.
uint256 coin = price.ETH(0); // returns ETH value for 1 ETH. Always 1.
uint256 cent = price.USD(0); // returns $0.01 worth of ETH in USD.
uint256 cent = price.EUR(0); // returns $0.01 worth of ETH in Euro.
uint256 cent = price.GBP(0); // returns $0.01 worth of ETH in British Pound.
First you must include the Pricing Contract on the top of your contract.
contract MarketPrice {
function ETH(uint _id) constant returns (uint256);
function USD(uint _id) constant returns (uint256);
function EUR(uint _id) constant returns (uint256);
function GBP(uint _id) constant returns (uint256);
function updatedAt(uint _id) constant returns (uint);
MarketPrice public price;
function Example() {
//price = MarketPrice(0x2138FfE292fd0953f7fe2569111246E4DE9ff1DC) // MAINNET ADDRESS
price = MarketPrice(0x97d63Fe27cA359422C10b25206346B9e24A676Ca) // TESTNET ADDRESS
Here's an example of getting $5.00 USD worth of ETH valued as USD.
// $0.01 * 500 = $5.00
function FiveUSDinETH() constant returns (uint256) {
uint256 cents = price.USD(0);
return cents * 500;
uint updatedBlock = price.updatedAt(0); // 4,109,482
if (block.number - updatedBlock > 100) {
// the price hasn't been updated in 100 blocks.
Once you have the value of $5.00 worth of OMG in ETH, you can have a function to require the exact amount of ETH that is worth $5.00 of OMG.
function TradeOMG() constant returns (uint256) {
require(msg.value == FiveUSDtoOMG());
// Awesome! The sender sent $5.00 worth of OMG based in ETH value (OMG/ETH)
- ETH -
- more too come very very soon
Updating the contract requires the wallet to pay the Gas for the transaction.
This contract can accept donatation, the updater address can update market rates at a higher frequency if there was more community support.
Times a Day | Supported Coins | Supported Fiat | Each Cost | Daily Cost | Monthly Total |
1 | 5 | 3 | 63,000 | 315,000 | 9,450,000 |
24 | 5 | 3 | 63,000 | 1,512,000 | 45,300,000 |
48 | 5 | 3 | 63,000 | 3,024,000 | 90,720,000 |
Some examples are not yet implemented on the current version.
uint256 weiAmount = (price.USD(0) * 450) // $4.50 worth of ETH
uint256 weiAmount = (price.USD(9) * 723) // $7.23 worth of STORJ
uint256 weiAmount = (price.USD(5) * 5793) // $57.93 worth of LITECOIN
uint256 weiAmount = (price.USD(1) * 100000) // $1,000 worth of BTC
uint256 weiAmount = (price.USD(0) * 10000) // $1000 worth of ETH
uint256 weiAmount = (price.EUR(12) * 10000) // 1000 EURO's worth of OMG
Contract: MarketPrice
✓ should insert new ETH price (48ms)
✓ should insert new OMG price (38ms)
✓ should insert new STORJ price
✓ should get 0.01 USD worth of ETH
✓ should get 0.01 EURO worth of ETH
✓ should get 0.01 GBP worth of ETH
✓ should get 0.01 USD worth of OMG
✓ should get $105.75 USD worth of ETH
✓ should get 1.00 EURO worth of STORJ
✓ should get $100.00 USD worth of OMG
✓ should change Creator address (41ms)
✓ should change Sender address (47ms)
✓ should delete STORJ token from database (43ms)
✓ should donate to contract
✓ should request to update price
✓ should be MarketPrice contract address
✓ should test $5.00 worth of ETH
17 passing (596ms)