App that enables you to perform load simulation of CPU and memory load.
npm install
npm install -g forever
Get wrk2 from
forever start -c "node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=8192" mainapp.js
- using curl :
curl [loadbalancerIP]:3100/work/[CPUtimeLoad]
- using wrk2 :
wrk -t[number of threads] -c[number of connections] -d[testduration in seconds]s -R[number of requests per second] http://[loadbalancerIP]:3100/work/[CPUtimeLoad]
- using curl :
curl [loadbalancerIP]:3100/mem/[load amount (in MB)]
- using wrk :
wrk -t[number of threads] -c[number of connections] -d[testduration in seconds]s -R[number of requests per second] http://[loadbalancerIP]:3100/mem/[load amount (in MB)]