The perfect emulation setup to study and develop the Linux kernel v5.4.3, kernel modules, QEMU, gem5 and x86_64, ARMv7 and ARMv8 userland and baremetal assembly, ANSI C, C++ and POSIX. GDB step deb…
My portfolio website simulating macOS's GUI, developed with React and UnoCSS.
Darabonba 是一种用于 OpenAPI 的 DSL 语言,可以用来生成多语言的 SDK、Code Sample、Test Case 等代码
banyueyang / dingtalk
Forked from nashaofu/dingtalk钉钉桌面版,基于electron和钉钉网页版开发,支持Windows、Linux和macOS
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.