A simple stock charting library for Android, supporting time-line, k-line, macd, kdj, rsi, boll index, and interactive gesture operation, including left and right sliding to refresh, scaling, highl…
🔥可以根据图片内容变阴影颜色,更加细腻的阴影效果 It can change color according to the picture, more delicate shadow effect
General IM UI components. Android/iOS/RectNative ready. 通用 IM 聊天 UI 组件,已经同时支持 Android/iOS/RN。
🏆 实时 零代码、全功能、强安全 ORM 库 🚀 后端接口和文档零代码,前端(客户端) 定制返回 JSON 的数据和结构 🏆 Real-Time coding-free, powerful and secure ORM 🚀 providing APIs and Docs without coding by Backend, and the returned JSON of API can b…
The basic library of Android player will process complex business components. The access is simple。Android播放器基础库,专注于播放视图组件的高复用性和组件间的低耦合,轻松处理复杂业务。
[DEPRECATED] A powerful library that manage Fragment for Android
👉 Customize the LayoutManager of RecyclerView(自定义LayoutManager)
XEditText: clear contents easily; show/hide password; separeta contents automatically, such as credit card number; disable Emoji inputs; 带删除功能的EditText;显示或者隐藏密码;可设置自动添加分隔符分割电话号码、银行卡号等;支持禁止Emoji表情符号输入。
一个可以上拉下滑的Ui效果(4.0+)eg: A Behavior Sample
This repo is an attempt to implement a complex animation
An application demoing meaningful motion on Android
Wave,水波,Android 炫酷的多重水波纹 MultiWaveHeader
A vertical-handled and multi-panel support SlidingPanelLayout. 一个竖直方向的SlidingPanelLayout,支持加载多个Panel,可以灵活地实现漂亮的的交互效果。
🚀 Android 版本更新 🚀 a library for android version update 🚀
A toolkit help to build Android MVVM Application
Pre-load data for android Activity/Fragment/View (android页面启动速度优化利器:在页面打开之前就预加载数据)
[停止维护]Transparent statusbar and navigationbar
⚔️ A common architecture for Android applications developing based on MVP, integrates many open source projects, to make your developing quicker and easier (一个整合了大量主流开源项目高度可配置化的 Android MVP 快速集成框架).