This is the first group project in the 42 Core curriculum. In this project, we created our simple shell.
Here are the functionalities we implemented:
• Display a prompt when waiting for a new command.
• Have a working history.
• Search and launch the right executable (based on the PATH variable or using a relative or an absolute path).
• Handle ’ (single quote).
• Handle " (double quote).
• Implement redirections: ◦ < should redirect input. ◦ > should redirect output. ◦ << should be given a delimiter, then read the input until a line containing the delimiter is seen. However, it doesn’t have to update the history! ◦ >> should redirect output in append mode.
• Implement pipes.
• Handle environment variables.
• Handle $? which should expand to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
• Handle ctrl-C, ctrl-D, and ctrl-\ which should behave like in bash.
• Builtins: ◦ echo with option -n ◦ cd with only a relative or absolute path ◦ pwd with no options ◦ export with no options ◦ unset with no options ◦ env with no options or arguments ◦ exit with no options
The project was split into 2 parts: parsing (@barbayjuliette) and execution (@akolgano)
- Tokenizer and lexer: We get the command and create a linked list of tokens. Each token will have a type based on its value.
- Expander: Expand the environment variables to their values, remove quotes, and expand $? to the last exit status.
- Create command list: We create a linked list of all the commands. Each command will contain
- The command to execute
- A linked list of input redirections (each with a type that indicates < or <<)
- A linked list of output redirections (each with a type that indicates > or >>)
- A pointer to the next command
Once this is done, we can do the execution part and execute each command.
To run and check for memory leaks, execute the following:
valgrind --suppressions=readline.supp --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./minishell
Then type any command, as if you were in a bash shell and have fun!