- Chicago, IL
- https://www.x-b-e.com
Building applications with composability using Boxcars with LLM's. Inspired by LangChain.
🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications
OLAP in memory is an implementation of an in-memory OLAP cube in Javascript
Support for PostgreSQL LISTEN and NOTIFY
A modern way to progressively update your code to the best practices
Statecharts for Ember.js applications
Ember component to render markdown into HTML.
Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
Setup a sweet VS Code development environment for your ember project – ludicrously fast ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Link primitive to pass around self-contained route references. It's {{link-to}}, but better!
A TodoMVC app that uses ember-orbit and orbit-server
An Ember component for rendering pretty code snippets.
Addon that encapsulates ability to render a data set as either excel or csv.
prerender.io cloudfront example middleware
🗔 Scroll to top with preserved browser history scroll position.
Ember CLI Deploy plugin to deploy ember-cli's bootstrap index file to S3.
Ember CLI addon for injecting fingerprinted asset map file into Ember app
Respond to window and view resizing easily in Ember.js
An example of using Ember-controlled SVG + d3 to create a data visualization.
A convention based update notification for Ember. With this addon, you can detect a new version and notify the user to refresh the page
Prerender Ember apps with Fastboot at build time.
Powerful and customizable calendar component for Ember
An Alfred workflow for quickly getting the correct Ember module import