Angular2 dynamic components grid, based on widgets concept.
First, installation:
$ npm install angular2-widgets-manager
Now, in order to use it you will probably need to configure it as UMD (for SystemJS/Webpack). So don't forget to include the main file:
Here's a code example to add it in your AppModule:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { WidgetsManagerModule } from '../../src/main';
import { WidgetsManagerService } from '../../src/widgets-manager.service';
imports: [WidgetsManagerModule.forRoot()],
declarations: [AppComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
constructor() {
// This line is important as it passes YOUR module, the one
// from which the manager will get the widgets components
<widgets-grid (onDragStart)="doSomethingOnDragStart($event)"
You can find NgGridConfig
in angular2-grid
interface ComponentDetails {
id?: string | number;
name: string;
html: string;
gridItemConfig: NgGridItemConfig;
You can find NgGridItemConfig
in angular2-grid
- The library was generated with angular2-webpack-library-seed
- The library is based on angular2-grid