Tag | Notes |
1.14 |
1.14.1 |
1.14.2 |
1.14.3 |
1.14.4 |
1.15 |
1.15.1 |
latest |
Build the latest Spigot jar (1.15.1 at the time of this writing) |
A Docker Bukkit/Spigot server based on Alpine.
To start the server and accept the EULA in one fell swoop, just pass the EULA=true
environment variable to Docker when running the container. I recommend mounting a directory from your host onto /data
in the container to make map and server data persistent.
docker run -it -v /data:/data -p 25565:25565 -e EULA=true --name mc_server bbriggs/bukkit
To run in the background (recommended), add the -d
NOTE: At this point in time, the -it
flags are strongly recommended as without them, the server appears to try to hog 100% of the CPU. We are working on a solution.
Yes, even though the repo's name is bukkit
, we have included the lovely spigot server as well. To run the spigot server, supply it as an argument like so:
docker run -it -v /data:/data -p 25565:25565 -e EULA=true --name mc_server bbriggs/bukkit spigot
You can bring your own existing data + configuration and mount it to the /data
directory when starting the container by using the -v
option. You may also pass configuration options as environment variables like so:
docker run -it -e DIFFICULTY=2 -e MOTD="A non-standard message" -e SPAWN_ANIMALS=false bbriggs/bukkit
This container will only attempt generate a server.properties
file if one does not already exist. If you would like to use the configuration tool, be sure that you are not providing a configuration file or that you also set FORCE_CONFIG=true
in the environment variables.
Because of the potentially large number of environment variables that you could pass in, you might want to consider using an environment variable file.
# env.list
docker run -d -it --env-file env.list -v $(pwd)/data:/data -p 25565:25565 bbriggs/bukkit
A full list of server.properties
settings and their corresponding environment variables is included below, along with their defaults
Configuration Option | Environment Variable | Default |
allow-flight | ALLOW_FLIGHT | false |
allow-nether | ALLOW_NETHER | true |
difficulty | DIFFICULTY | 1 |
enable-command-block | ENABLE_COMMAND_BLOCK | false |
enable-query | ENABLE_QUERY | false |
enable-rcon | ENABLE_RCON | false |
force-gamemode | FORCE_GAMEMODE | false |
gamemode | GAMEMODE | 0 |
generate-structures | GENERATE_STRUCTURES | true |
generator-settings | GENERATOR_SETTINGS | |
hardcore | HARDCORE | false |
level-name | LEVEL_NAME | world |
level-seed | LEVEL_SEED | |
level-type | LEVEL_TYPE | DEFAULT |
max-build-height | MAX_BUILD_HEIGHT | 256 |
max-players | MAX_PLAYERS | 20 |
max-tick-time | MAX_TICK_TIME | 60000 |
max-world-size | MAX_WORLD_SIZE | 29999984 |
motd | MOTD | |
network-compression-threshold | NETWORK_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD | 256 |
online-mode | ONLINE_MODE | true |
op-permission-level | OP_PERMISSION_LEVEL | 4 |
player-idle-timeout | PLAYER_IDLE_TIMEOUT | 0 |
prevent-proxy-connections | PREVENT_PROXY_CONNECTIONS | false |
pvp | PVP | true |
resource-pack | RESOURCE_PACK | |
resource-pack-sha1 | RESOURCE_PACK_SHA1 | |
server-ip | SERVER_IP | |
server-port | SERVER_PORT | 25565 |
snooper-enabled | SNOOPER_ENABLED | true |
spawn-animals | SPAWN_ANIMALS | true |
spawn-monsters | SPAWN_MONSTERS | true |
spawn-npcs | SPAWN_NPCS | true |
view-distance | VIEW_DISTANCE | 10 |
white-list | WHITE_LIST | false |
To run a specific version of Bukkit or Spigot, use a docker tag.
docker run -it -v /data:/data -p 25565:25565 -e EULA=true --name mc_server bbriggs/bukkit:1.15.1 spigot