Tags: bashims/go-getter
Merge pull request hashicorp#168 from hashicorp/type_checksum_error add a public type for a checksum error
Merge pull request hashicorp#140 from Charliekenney23/add-depth-query… …-param-to-git-getter Add depth query param to git getter
Merge pull request hashicorp#163 from hashicorp/checksum_pass_args Various fixes
Merge pull request hashicorp#159 from hashicorp/windows_copy getfile on windows: when a file cannot be symlinked for privilege reasons, copy it
Merge pull request hashicorp#154 from hashicorp/add_progress_bar_dep go mod, use/add github.com/cheggaaa/pb v1.0.27 & run go mod tidy
Merge pull request hashicorp#133 from hashicorp/gracefull_termination Gracefull (context) cancellation