Tags: basoko/phaser
Version 1.1.6 - "Shienar" - 24th February 2014 New Examples: * Added lovely new little mini golf game by jpcloud. Updates: * Loader can now load JSON files natively (thanks lucas) * TilemapParser now errors if the tileset isn't the right size Bug Fixes: * Updated Physics.Body.applyDamping so that velocity is reduced down to zero properly (thanks caezs) * ArcadePhysics.collideSpriteVsTilemapLayer wouldn't call the process or collide callbacks if only 1 tile was involved in the check (thanks mandarinx) * Lots of documentation fixes (thanks nhowell) * Fix for PixiPatch so it renders masks again (thanks georgios) * Modified ArcadePhysics.intersects so it returns a value as well as asigns (thanks bunnyhero) * Lots of TypeScript defs fixes (thanks clark)
Explicitly paused Timer continues if you un-focus and focus the brows… …er window (thanks georgiee) Added TimerEvent.pendingDelete and checks in Timer.update, so that removing an event in a callback no longer throws an exception (thanks georgiee) Fixed TypeScript defs on lines 1741-1748 (thanks wombatbuddy) Added SAT.js to TypeScript definition. Now compiles properly. Added missing Line.js to the Grunt file. Tilemap#paste diffX and diffY equations changed, fixed issue phaserjs#393 (thanks brejep) Added missing return value in Body.hitLeft and hitRight, fixes issue phaserjs#398 (thanks ram64). Fixed easing tween example case. Issue phaserjs#379 (thanks wesleywerner) Removed SAT.js UMD wrapped, fixes issue phaserjs#361 (thanks luizbills) Removed inContact check from Body.separate. Fixed Tilemap docs (wrongly pointed to Tileset methods)