This application to create resource names at runtime and manage its fields, then the application with provide restful service for this created resource,
you can try it here
Technologies used while development of this application:
- Spring Spring framework is providing multiple features and APIs to deal with JDBC,JPA and NoSQL in domain layer, also it is providing robust and powerful enviroment "DI, AOP transaction managment".
- Spring MVC Spring MVC framework give you the flexibility to design your URI pattern to survive, and the HTTP Methods also it is providing an easy way to handle exceptions
- JSON & XML Currently I'm working on JSON did not test it on xml yet but expect problem of using List with JAXB, soon planning to handel xml too.
- Domain Layer Using JDBC becuase it is providing more flexibility which is required for dynamic of REST, but I think NoSQL could be better alternative using it under study.
we are planning to add more feature to this Application:
Relation between Resources
Security using OAuth 2.0 check ""