SimpleCMS is Demo of using NodeJs Restify, Yeoman, grunt, Angularjs
this is init version so there is no code clean done on it yet :D
#Using Dockerfile: I'm using dockerfile as there was many issues for installing ENV of this application so, now you just need to get Docker file only and follow below steps:
- copy Dockerfile in empty folder
- run : docker build -t simple-cms . {it will take some time}
- then run : docker run -i -t -p 9000:9000 simple-cms {this will open terminal on the docker container of my image}
- nohup mongod & {wait for mongod to start it is taking some time you cant tail -f nohup.out}
- cd /SimpleCMS/RestService/
- node index.js &
- cd /SimpleCMS/WebApp/
- grunt serve &
- from browser http://localhost:9000
#Building Application without Docker Steps to run application:
- install mongod and start it in default port
- install node,npm,bower
- run rest service from RestService:
- npm update
- node index.js
- run web application from WebApp
- npm update
- bower update
- install grunt-cli if not have
- grunt serve