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Updated plugins and added some more dsp settings
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wiltaylor committed Jun 21, 2021
1 parent 1895d2d commit 087c208
Show file tree
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Showing 3 changed files with 249 additions and 50 deletions.
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
Leader Key is Space

# Global Commands:
- `:h keyword` - Bring up help for keyword
- `sav file` - save the current file as another filename
- `clo` - Close the current pane
- `ter` - Open a terminal window
- `ESC` - Return to Normal mode
- `:w` - save
- `:q` - quit
- `:q!` - quit don't save
- `:wqa` - Save and quit cloing all tabs

# Movement Keys
- `h(left) j (down) k(up) l(right)` - Move around the screen
- `gg` - Move to top of buffer
- `G` - Move to bottom of file
- `H` - Top of screen
- `M` - Middle of screen
- `L` - Bottom of the screen
- `w` - jump forward to start of word
- `e` - jump forward to end of word
- `b` - jump backwards to start of word
- `%` - Jump forward to matching paren or brace.
- `0` - Start of line
- `$` - End of line
- `^` - First non blank charecter of line
- `f(char)` - Move to the next occurrence of charecter
- `F(char)` - Move ot the previous occurrence of charecter
- `;` - Repeat last f or F
- `,` - Repeat last f or F backwards
- `{ }` - Move around paragraph blocks (works in code too)
- `ctrl + e` - Move screen down one line without moving cursor.
- `ctrl + y` - Move screen up one line without moving cursor.
- `ctrl + b` - Move back one full screen
- `ctrl + f` - Move forward one full screen
- `ctrl + d` - Move forward 1/2 screen
- `ctrl + u` - Move back one full screen

# Insert Mode
- `i` - Enter insert mode before cursor.
- `I` - Enter insert mode at the start of the line.
- `a` - Enter insert mode after cursor.
- `A` - Enter insert mode at the end of the line.
- `o` - Append a line below current line
- `O` - Append a line above current line
- `ea` - Enter insert mode at the end of the word
- `ctrl + rx` - Insert the contents of register x

# Editing
- `r` - Replace single charecter
- `J` - Join line below to current one
- `gwip` - Reflow paragraph
- `g~` - switch case up to motion
- `gu` - Lower case up to motion
- `gU` - Upper case up to motion.
- `cc` - Replace entire line
- `C` or `c$` - Replace to end of line.
- `ciw` - Change entire word
- `cw` - Replace to end of word
- `u` - Undo
- `U` - Redo
- `.` - Repeat last command

# Marking Text
- `v` - Visual mode
- `V` - Start linewise visual mode (select lines)
- `o` - Move to other end of marked area.
- `Ctrl + v` - Visual Block mode
- `Ctrl + O` - Other corner of block
- `aw` - Mark a word
- `ab` - Mark block with ()
- `aB` - Mark block with {}
- `ib` - Mark inner block with ()
- `iB` - mark inner block with {}
- `at` - Mark tags with <>

# Visual Commands
- `>` - Shift text right
- `<` - Shift text left
- `y` - Yank marked text
- `d` - Delete marked text
- `~` - Switch case
- `u` - Change case to lowercase
- `U` - Change case to uppercase

# Registers
- `:reg` - Show register content
- `"xy` - Yank into register x
- `"xp` - Paste contents of register x
- `"+y` - Yank into system clipboard
- `"+p` - Paste from system clipboard

# Marks and Positions
- `:marks` - Lists all marks
- `ma` - Set position of mark a
- \`a - Jump back to a
- \`. - Go to position when last editing the file
- \`\` - Go to position before last jump
- `:ju` - List of jumps
- `ctrl + i` - Newer position in jump list
- `ctrl + o` - Older position in jump list
- `:changes` - List changes
- `g,` - Go to newer change
- `g;` - Go to older change

# Macros
- `qa` - Record macro a
- `q` - stop recording macro
- `@a` - Run macro a
- `@@` - rerun last macro

# Cut and Paste
- `yy` - yank line
- `yw` - yank word
- `y$` - yank to end of line
- `p` - Paste clipboard after cursor
- `P` - Paste clipboard before cursor
- `dd` - delete line
- `dw` - Delete word (from current cursor to next start of word)
- `d$` - Delete till end of line
- `x` - delete charecter

# Indent text
- `<<` - Move line left
- `>>` - Move line right
- `>%` - Indent block (when on brace or paren)
- `=%` - Re-indent block

# Searching and patterns
- `/pattern` - Search for pattern
- `?pattern` - Search backwards for pattern
- `n` - Repeat search in same direction
- `N` - Repeat search in opposite direction
- `:%s/old/new/g` - Replace all old with new throughout the file.
- `:%s/old/new/gc` - Replace all old with new throughout the file with confirmations.
- `noh` - Remove highlighting of search matches
- `:vimgrep /pattern/ **/*` - Search for pattern in all files.
- `:cn` - next match
- `:cp` - prev match
- `:cope` - List of all matches found
- `:ccl` - Close list of all matches

# Tabs
- `:tabnew [file]` - Open file in new tab
- `Ctrl + wT` - Move current split window into its own tab
- `gt` - Go to next tab
- `gT` - Go to prev tab
- `#gt` - Go to tab number
- `:tabc` - Close current tab
- `:tabo` - Close other tabs but this one.

# Buffers
- `:e file` - Edit file in a new buffer
- `:bn` - Next buffer
- `:bp` - Prev buffer
- `:bd` - Close buffer
- `:ls` - List open buffers

# Splits
- `:sp file` - Open file in new buffer and split
- `:vs file` - Open file in new buffer and split (verticle)
- `:tab ba` - Open all buffers as tabs
- `ctrl + ws` - split window
- `ctrl + wv` - split window verticle
- `ctrl + ww` - switch window
- `ctrl + wq` - Quit window
- `ctrl + wx` - Exchange window with next one
- `ctrl + w=` - Make all windows equal height and width
- `ctrl + wh` - Move to left window
- `ctrl + wl` - Move to right window
- `ctrl + wj` - Move to below window
- `ctrl + wk` - Move to above window

# File tree
- `ctrl+ n` - Toggle file tree

# Telescope
- `leader + ff` - Find file
- `leader + fg` - Live grep
- `leader + fb` - Buffers
- `leader + fh` - Help tags

- `F2` - Rename
- `Leader + R` - Rename
- `Leader + r` - References
- `Leader + d` - Go to definition
- `Leader + e` - Show line diagnostics
- `Leader + f` - Format buffer
- `Leader + k` - Signature help
- `Leader + K` - Hover text

## Debug
- `F5` - Run
- `F10` - Step over
- `F11` - Step into
- `F12` - Step out
- `<leader> + b` - Set break point
- `F9` - Open debug repl


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