Rails app generated with lewagon/rails-templates, created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team.
GrogU is a web application developed by Thomas Baumann, Huang Shuwei, Claire Conrardy and Kieran Dunch. It was created from scratch over the course of one week in 2022, as part of a pedagogical exercise to simulate an AirBNB-like application using the Ruby on Rails Framework.
The following is a loose outline of each member's specialty during the project, and their personal highlights:
Claire Conrardy: UI/UX Designer, Front-End Developer
- Homepage, all offers page, branding
Huang Shewei: Full-Stack Developer
- Mapbox and Geocoder integration
Thomas Baumann: Back-End Developer
- Site framework, back-end performance and 'create booking' feature
Kieran Dunch: Product Manager, Full-Stack Developer
- Mapbox customization and branding, bug fixes, project organization, team flexibility and dialogue
Many thanks to the LeWagon Team for providing a strong teaching foundation, and to @Stephlaf, our Batch owner and lead teacher.
- Thomas 'Back-End' Baumann, Kieran 'Rubber Ducky' Dunch, Claire 'CSS' Conrardy, and "Heroku" Huang Shuwei