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Ruby Rules for Bazel


This repository hosts Ruby language ruleset for Bazel.

The ruleset is known to work with:

  • Bazel 8 using WORKSPACE and Bzlmod (tested on CI).
  • Bazel 7 using WORKSPACE and Bzlmod (no longer tested on CI).
  • Bazel 6 using WORKSPACE and Bzlmod (no longer tested on CI).

Getting Started


  1. Install the ruleset following WORKSPACE instructions on the latest release.
  2. Download and install Ruby:
load("@rules_ruby//ruby:deps.bzl", "rb_register_toolchains")

    version = "3.1.6",
    # alternatively, load version from .ruby-version file
    # version_file = "//:.ruby-version",
  1. (Optional) Download and install Bundler dependencies:
load("@rules_ruby//ruby:deps.bzl", "rb_bundle_fetch")

    name = "bundle",
    gemfile = "//:Gemfile",
    gemfile_lock = "//:Gemfile.lock",
  1. Start defining your library, binary and test targets in BUILD files.


  1. Install ruleset following Bzlmod instructions on the latest release.
  2. Download and install Ruby:
# MODULE.bazel
ruby = use_extension("@rules_ruby//ruby:extensions.bzl", "ruby")
    name = "ruby",
    version = "3.0.6",
    # alternatively, load version from .ruby-version file
    # version_file = "//:.ruby-version",
use_repo(ruby, "ruby")
  1. (Optional) Download and install Bundler dependencies:
# MODULE.bazel
    name = "bundle",
    gemfile = "//:Gemfile",
    gemfile_lock = "//:Gemfile.lock",
use_repo(ruby, "bundle", "ruby_toolchains")
  1. Register Ruby toolchains:
# MODULE.bazel
  1. Start defining your library, binary and test targets in BUILD files.


  • See repository rules for the documentation of WORKSPACE rules.
  • See rules for the documentation of BUILD rules.


See examples directory for a comprehensive set of examples how to use the ruleset.


The following toolchains are known to work and tested on CI.

Ruby Linux macOS Windows
MRI 3.4 🟩 🟩 🟩
MRI 3.3 🟩 🟩 🟩
MRI 3.2 🟩 🟩 🟩
MRI 3.1 🟩 🟩 🟩
JRuby 9.4 🟩 🟩 🟩
TruffleRuby 24.0 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯

The following toolchains were previously known to work but no longer tested on CI.

Ruby Linux macOS Windows
MRI 2.7 🟩 🟩 🟩
MRI 3.0 🟩 🟩 🟩
JRuby 9.3 🟩 🟩 🟩
TruffleRuby 22.0 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
TruffleRuby 23.0 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯


On Linux and macOS, ruby-build is used to install MRI from sources. Keep in mind, that it takes some time for compilation to complete.

On Windows, RubyInstaller is used to install MRI.


On all operating systems, JRuby is downloaded manually. It uses Bazel runtime Java toolchain as JDK. JRuby is currently the only toolchain that supports Remote Build Execution.


On Linux and macOS, ruby-build is used to install TruffleRuby. Windows is not supported.


On Linux and macOS, you can potentially use any Ruby distribution that is supported by ruby-build. However, some are known not to work or work only partially (e.g. mRuby has no bundler support).

Known Issues