An Open Source C++ Game Development Framework inspired by Monogame.
- DirectX11
- OpenGL 3.2
- Assimp 3.0.0
- FreeImage
- FreeType
- Glad
- GLM (OpenGL Mathematics)
- OpenAL 1.1
- Windows 7 or 8.1 SDK (DirectX11 and OpenGL Headers for Windows Development)
The following except the Windows 8 SDK is provided for out of the box compilation on x86 and x64 machines using Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
- Written for portability.
- Very simple API.
- Graphics backends for OpenGL and DirectX. Vulkan is possible as well, but my card currently does not have support by AMD.
- Planned multithreading support for asset loading.
#include "System/Window/Window.h"
#include "Graphics/Device/Device.h"
#include "Graphics/Shader/Shader.h"
#include "Graphics/Model/Model.h"
using namespace Jade::Core;
using namespace Jade::Input;
using namespace Jade::Graphics;
using namespace Jade::System;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Creates a basic window that can be rendered with either graphics API.
Window window(1080, 720, 100, 100, "Hello World", false);
// Creates a graphics device.
Device device(window, GraphicsAPI::DirectX);
// Map for holding our shaders.
std::map<std::string, ShaderType> shaders =
{ ".\\resources\\shaders\\pixel.cso", ShaderType::Pixel },
{ ".\\resources\\shaders\\vertex.cso", ShaderType::Vertex },
// Create our shaders.
Shader shader(device, shaders);
// Load our model
Model model(device, shader);
while (window.IsOpen())
// Rendering
// Draw the model.
return 0;
Progress can be found here.