Custom dashboard, and template engine used to access open mct platform
This coding exercise involved mixing and matching many different languages and techniques with the primary goal of creating a single page javascript application that can connect, and communicate with NASA's Open MCT Framework. The usage of third party frameworks was disallowed as a requirement, which is always fun because it allows you to really 'get back to the basics' with some of your favorite languages. Throughout the exercise, I implemented techniques such as ES6 template literals, Websocket connections, the fetch API, and more. Another bonus was getting the chance to really dig into the open mission control framework. If you have any questions about my implementation, please do not hesitate to reach out. Otherwise, Enjoy!
::: warning Due to time constraints, I highly recommend thorough testing before implementing any of the following techniques in a production project! :::
Open MCT is a next-generation mission operations data visualization framework. Web-based, for desktop and mobile.
The completed project I go over in the following sections.
The Documents for this project are created by using VuePress. VuePress is composed of two parts: a minimalistic static site generator with a Vue-powered theming system and Plugin API, and a default theme optimized for writing technical documentation. It was created to support the clarity in using the different parts of this project.
Each page generated by VuePress has its own pre-rendered static HTML, providing great loading performance and is SEO-friendly. Once the page is loaded, however, Vue takes over the static content and turns it into a full Single-Page Application (SPA). Additional pages are fetched on demand as the user navigates around the