This is an adaptation of Jani Nurminen’s Zenburn color scheme for the Terminal application built into OS X.
- Download and decompress the zipball if you haven’t already.
- In the Terminal app, choose “Preferences…” from the “Terminal” menu.
- Switch to the “Profiles” tab.
- Click the gear icon below the list of profiles and select “Import…”.
- Choose the “Zenburn.terminal” file from the archive you decompressed.
Each “terminal profile” includes not just color settings but also a bevy of other settings—font, window position, window title, etc. To minimize this annoyance I started with the “Basic” profile and changed just the colors in order to make Zenburn.terminal. You may still wish to change the other options to suit your preferences.
This terminal profile works under OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and 10.10 (Yosemite). I don’t know whether it will work on earlier versions.
This color scheme was created by Benjamin Esham.
This project is hosted on GitHub. Please feel free to submit pull requests.
This project is released into the public domain via the Unlicense, which you can find in the file