Web application showcasing a list of hundred films and have the ability to view a film's release information by using TMDb's API.
/film/:id -- To view a film's release information. The id can be obtained by searching a film at TMDb.
Example: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/157336-interstellar => .../film/157336
/list/:id -- To view a list of movies that a user has created on TMDb.
Example: https://www.themoviedb.org/list/5802933 => .../list/5802933
$ npm install
$ npm install -D
To get their API key, you first need to register an account at https://themoviedb.org/. Once you registered and logged in, then you need to go to https://www.themoviedb.org/settings/api, and under "API Key (v3 auth)" is your API key.
Once you backup your key, navigate to the project's directory, create a .env file and paste your key after 'API_KEY=':
$ cd my100films-v2
$ touch .env
.env file:
LIST_ID='5802933' <-- My list id (you can create a list on TMDb's website and add films to it) for the homepage. You can modify the id to your list's id.
$ npm run dev
Development server runs at http://localhost:3000