This Symfony 2 bundle implements convenient bridges from the various Wordpress XML-RPC APIs (blogger, MovableType, MetaWeblog).
Add bdunogier/wordpressapibundle to your composer.json, and run composer update/install.
- (temporary requirement) since it is initially based on the eZ Publish 5 content API. This requirement will be removed in the near future by means of handlers, and the eZPublish specifics moved to a dedicated bundle.
At this time, this bundle supports the following API methods:
- blogger.getUsersBlogs
- blogger.getUserInfo
- blogger.getPost
- blogger.deletePost
- mt.getRecentPostTitles
- mt.getCategoryList
- mt.setPostCategories
- mt.getPostCategories
- mt.supportedMethods
- metaWeblog.getCategories
- metaWeblog.getRecentPosts
- metaWeblog.newPost
- metaWeblog.editPost
- metaWeblog.deletePost
- metaWeblog.getPost
- metaWeblog.getCategories
- system.listMethods
- wp.getUsersBlogs
- wp.getOptions
- wp.getProfile
- wp.getComments
- wp.getPostFormats
- wp.uploadFile
- wp.getMediaLibrary
- wp.getMediaItem
- wp.deletePost
- wp.getPost
Some of them have hardcoded values, other return empty values...
The Android Wordpress app ( will list posts, allow creation and removal of existing posts.
- Blogger API:
- MovableType API:
- MetaWeblog API:
- Wordpress API: