Tags: bdwakefield/spy-spotify
1.2.1 (jwallet#88) - fixed spytify deadlock when requesting album info jwallet#82 - fixed artist info that was missing after getting album info jwallet#84 - fixed/should resolve a delay after dectecting the next track jwallet#85 close jwallet#82 jwallet#84 should resolve jwallet#85
1.2 (jwallet#76) * 1.1.5 - added delay stop recording jwallet#74 - fixed start/stop button refresh after click jwallet#75 * faq updated * resources * updated consts * spotify api .net 4.6 now required close jwallet#69 * added faq support about cpu minimum performance 100 close jwallet#78 * deleted test * app config * removed comments appconfig * 1.2 * updated doc
1.1.4 (jwallet#72) * nugget and fix when spotify is not installed close jwallet#70 * stop recording session if spotify closes before playing any song close jwallet#71 * change input device close jwallet#61 * fixed title file, new info app, assembly ( close jwallet#68 * added timer for recording close jwallet#63 * supporting audio output * fix ui scroll * 1.1.4