This is the source code (beta version) of our paper: Xiangguo Sun et al. Heterogeneous Hypergraph Embedding for Graph Classification, WSDM2021
A more advanced version will be released in the near future (around January, 2021).
Datasets: Pumbed, Cora, DBLP are included in the folder 'data'
For the Spammer dataset, please contact the authors of the following paper to obtain the permission: Bo Liu et al. Co-Detection of Crowdturfing Microblogs and Spammers in Online Social Networks. World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ). 2020, 23, 573–607
Please cite our paper if possible:
title={Heterogeneous Hypergraph Embedding for Graph Classification},
author={Sun, Xiangguo and
Yin, Hongzhi and
Liu, Bo and
Chen, Hongxu and
Shao, Yingxia and
Viet Hung, Nguyen Quoc},
booktitle={14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM2021)},