June-October, 2012
The CUBRID node.js driver is an open-source project with the goal of implementing a 100% native node.js driver for the CUBRID database engine (
The driver is under constant development and the current release is the 1.0, which features:
- Rich database support: Connect, Query, Fetch, Execute, Commit, Rollback, and DB Schema etc.
- Out of the box driver events model
- 10.000+ LOC, including the driver test code and demos
- 50+ test cases
- HTML documentation
- User demos: E2E scenarios, web sites
- User tutorial ...and many more!
The driver features a npm package installer.
To install the driver, execute: >npm install node-cubrid or >npm install -g node-cubrid
If you ever need to uninstall the driver, execute: >npm uninstall node-cubrid
The driver code release contains many test cases and demos which will show you how to use the driver. The examples are located in the following project folders:
- \demo
- \src\test
Here is a standard coding example, using the driver events model:
CUBRIDClient.on(CUBRIDClient.EVENT_ERROR, function (err) {
Helpers.logError('Error!: ' + err.message);
CUBRIDClient.on(CUBRIDClient.EVENT_CONNECTED, function () {
Helpers.logInfo('Querying: select * from game');
CUBRIDClient.query('select * from game', function () {
CUBRIDClient.on(CUBRIDClient.EVENT_QUERY_DATA_AVAILABLE, function (result, queryHandle) {
Helpers.logInfo('Data received.');
Helpers.logInfo('Returned active query handle: ' + queryHandle);
Helpers.logInfo('Total query result rows count: ' + Result2Array.TotalRowsCount(result));
Helpers.logInfo('First "batch" of data returned rows count: ' + Result2Array.RowsArray(result).length);
Helpers.logInfo('Fetching more rows...');
CUBRIDClient.fetch(queryHandle, function () {
CUBRIDClient.on(CUBRIDClient.EVENT_FETCH_DATA_AVAILABLE, function (result, queryHandle) {
Helpers.logInfo('*** Fetch data received for query: ' + queryHandle);
Helpers.logInfo('*** Current fetch of data returned rows count: ' + Result2Array.RowsArray(result).length);
Helpers.logInfo('*** First row: ' + Result2Array.RowsArray(result)[0].toString());
// continue to fetch...
Helpers.logInfo('...fetching more rows...');
CUBRIDClient.fetch(queryHandle, function () {
CUBRIDClient.on(CUBRIDClient.EVENT_FETCH_NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE, function (queryHandle) {
Helpers.logInfo('No more data to fetch.');
Helpers.logInfo('Closing query: ' + queryHandle);
CUBRIDClient.closeQuery(queryHandle, function () {
CUBRIDClient.on(CUBRIDClient.EVENT_QUERY_CLOSED, function (queryHandle) {
Helpers.logInfo('Query closed: ' + queryHandle);
Helpers.logInfo('Closing connection...');
CUBRIDClient.close(function () {
Helpers.logInfo('Connection closed.');
Here is another driver usage example, using the well-known async library (
function (cb) {
function (cb) {
function (engineVersion, cb) {
Helpers.logInfo('Engine version is: ' + engineVersion);
CUBRIDClient.query('select * from code', cb);
function (result, queryHandle, cb) {
Helpers.logInfo('Query result rows count: ' + Result2Array.TotalRowsCount(result));
Helpers.logInfo('Query results:');
var arr = Result2Array.RowsArray(result);
for (var k = 0; k < arr.length; k++) {
CUBRIDClient.closeQuery(queryHandle, cb);
Helpers.logInfo('Query closed.');
function (cb) {
Helpers.logInfo('Connection closed.');
function (err) {
if (err == null) {
Helpers.logInfo('Program closed.');
} else {
throw err.message;
Or, if you prefer the standard callbacks "style":
CUBRIDClient.connect(function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
Helpers.logInfo('Querying: select * from nation');
CUBRIDClient.query('select * from nation', function (err, result, queryHandle) {
if (err) {
} else {
assert(Result2Array.TotalRowsCount(result) === 215);
Helpers.logInfo('Query result rows count: ' + Result2Array.TotalRowsCount(result));
var arr = Result2Array.RowsArray(result);
for (var j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
CUBRIDClient.closeQuery(queryHandle, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
Helpers.logInfo('Query closed.');
CUBRIDClient.close(function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
Helpers.logInfo('Connection closed.');
Helpers.logInfo('Test passed.');
Once again, there are dozens of ready-to-use coding examples featured in the project, that can give you a very fast startup.
In the next code release (2.0), we will be targeting:
- Additional database functionality (enhanced LOB support, more db schemas etc.)
- New functionalities: integrated connection pool, queries queue, better caching etc.
- Code improvements, optimizations
- More examples
And you are more than welcomed to suggest what we should improve or add - please let us know!
The authors of this driver are members of the CUBRID API team - We welcome any new contributors and we hope you will enjoy using and coding with CUBRID! :)
We would like to say thanks to the following people & projects for inspiration, for the code we have (re)used and for doing such a great job for the open-source community!
...Stay tuned for the next releases! :)
Thank you!