- 🐉 Lerna - The Monorepo manager
- 📦 Yarn Workspaces - Sane multi-package management
- 🛠 Babel - Compiles next-gen JavaScript
- 🃏 Jest - Unit/Snapshot Testing
yarn bootstrap
- This installs all of the packages and links dependent packages together.yarn build
- This babelfies all of the packages and creates/lib
folders for each one.yarn test
- Run all linting and unit tests before committing.yarn test -o
- Run only the tests that have changed.yarn test -u
- Update all of the snapshot tests.
lerna changed
- Show which packages have changed.lerna diff
- Show specifically what files have cause the packages to change.
It's a known issue that yarn workspaces using yarn versions > 1.18.0
can produce the following false positive error message when adding or updating dependencies in packages.
error An unexpected error occurred: "expected workspace package to exist for "XXX".
To guard against this, we've: