RacoonKit is a layout API for iOS platform. RacoonKit is written with Swift 4 and uses Apple Visual Format Language and NSLayoutConstraint SDK.
Please take a look at this article to learn more about AVF => https://www.raywenderlich.com/277-auto-layout-visual-format-language-tutorial
Installation CocoaPods
Add RacoonKit to your pod file.
pod 'RacoonKit'
Then type pod install command in project folder via terminal.
pod install
You may add any UIView based components as just as an array to container view:
let newView = UIView()
let otherNewView = UIView()
view.addSubviews(views: newView, otherNewView)
Defining view's margins with an array in single line:
let newView = UIView()
newView.setMargins(.top(value: 8), .left(value: 8), .right(value: 8), .bottom(value: 8))
Defining a margin between two views:
newView.setMarginTo(view: otherNewView, of: .top(value: 8))
newView.setMarginTo(view: otherNewView, of: .right(value: 8))
newView.setMarginTo(view: otherNewView, of: .left(value: 8))
newView.setMarginTo(view: otherNewView, of: .bottom(value: 8))
Height and width:
newView.setWidthEqualTo(view: view)
newView.setHeightEqualTo(view: view)
newView.setWidthEqualTo(views: view, view, view)
newView.setHeightEqualTo(views: view, view, view)
Setting 'Equal' and 'Priority' to a constraint
With new RacoonFormat, you can define priority and equal properties. Use setMarginWith(formats: RacoonFormat...) method to define multiple constraints.
firstView.setMarginWith(formats: RacoonFormat(constant: .top(value: 0)))
firstView.setMarginWith(formats: RacoonFormat(constant: .left(value: 10), equality: RacoonEquality.greaterOrEqual))
firstView.setMarginWith(formats: RacoonFormat(constant: .right(value: 20), equality: RacoonEquality.lessOrEqual, priority: RacoonPriority.high))
Use RacoonFormat for setting relationships between two views:
firstView.setMarginTo(view: secondView, with: RacoonFormat(constant: .top(value: 0)))
firstView.setMarginTo(view: secondView, with: RacoonFormat(constant: .left(value: 10), equality: RacoonEquality.greaterOrEqual))
firstView.setMarginTo(view: secondView, with: RacoonFormat(constant: .right(value: 20), equality: RacoonEquality.lessOrEqual, priority: RacoonPriority.high))
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.