Features | Settings | Cloning the repository | Starting the application | Techs | Tools | Resources | License
- General page to view the gold, silver and bronze medals won by country according to the selected year;
- Medalists page to view the gold, silver and bronze medals won by athlete according to the selected year;
- Sports page to view the gold, silver and bronze medals by sports according to the selected year and country;
- Tables with pagination;
- Responsive pages.
The settings to execute the application in your computer are listed below.
- Through the terminal, go to the directory where you want to have the repository cloned and run the following command:
# cloning the repository
git clone https://github.com/belapferreira/olympics-data-view
- Through the terminal, go to the directory where the repository was cloned and run the following command:
# installing dependencies
yarn install
# starting application
yarn start
This project was developed using the following resources:
- Editor Config; - Eslint; - Prettier; - React; - React Data Table Component; - React DOM; - React Icons; - React Router Dom; - React Scripts; - Styled Components.
This project is under MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
Made by Bela Ferreira 💙 Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/belapferreira 😊