Erlang client for the etcd API v3.
aims to be a high-quality, production-ready client for the Protocol Buffer-based etcd v3 API.
All core features are supported.
It includes reconnection, transaction, software transactional memory, high-level query builders and lease management, watchers.
See the full API documentation for more.
- Adding, Fetching and Deleting Keys;
- Transaction;
- Lease -- as well as a few convenience features like continuous keep alive;
- Watch;
- Maintenance -- User, Role, Authentication, Cluster, Alarms;
- Lock;
- Election.
## rebar.config
{deps, [eetcd]}.
zero configuration.
All etcd3 API's are defined in gRPC services, which categorize remote procedure calls (RPCs) understood by the etcd server. A full listing of all etcd RPCs are documented in markdown in the gRPC API listing.
Firstly, open eetcd when your application starts.
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
-define(NAME, etcd_example_conn).
start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
Endpoints = ["", "", ""],
{ok, _Pid} = eetcd:open(?NAME, Endpoints),
stop(_State) ->
%% creates
{ok,#{header :=
#{cluster_id := 11360555963653019356,
member_id := 13803658152347727308,raft_term := 5,
revision := 6}}}
= eetcd_kv:put(?NAME, <<"key">>, <<"value">>).
%% updates
Ctx = eetcd_kv:new(?NAME),
CtxExist = eetcd_kv:with_key(Ctx, <<"KeyExist">>),
Ctx2 = eetcd_kv:with_value(CtxExist, <<"NewValue">>),
Ctx3 = eetcd_kv:with_ignore_value(Ctx2),
{ok,#{header :=
#{cluster_id := 11360555963653019356,
member_id := 16409577466894847729,raft_term := 5,
revision := 7}}}
= eetcd_kv:put(Ctx3).
CtxNoExist = eetcd_kv:with_key(Ctx, <<"KeyNoExist">>),
Ctx5 = eetcd_kv:with_value(CtxNoExist, <<"NewValue">>),
Ctx6 = eetcd_kv:with_ignore_value(Ctx5),
{error,{grpc_error,#{'grpc-message' :=
<<"etcdserver: value is provided">>,
'grpc-status' := 3}}}
= eetcd_kv:put(Ctx6).
%% fetches
{ok,#{count := 1,
header :=
#{cluster_id := 11360555963653019356,
member_id := 16409577466894847729,raft_term := 5,
revision := 7},
kvs :=
[#{create_revision := 7,key := <<"KeyExist">>,lease := 0,
mod_revision := 7,value := <<"NewValue">>,version := 1}],
more := false}}
= eetcd_kv:get(?NAME, <<"KeyExist">>).
%% fetches all keys
Ctx = eetcd_kv:new(?Name),
Ctx1 = eetcd_kv:with_key(Ctx, "\0"),
Ctx2 = eetcd_kv:with_range_end(Ctx1, "\0"),
Ctx3 = eetcd_kv:with_sort(Ctx2, 'KEY', 'ASCEND'),
{ok,#{count := 2,
header :=
#{cluster_id := 11360555963653019356,
member_id := 13803658152347727308,raft_term := 5,
revision := 7},
kvs :=
[#{create_revision := 7,key := <<"KeyExist">>,lease := 0,
mod_revision := 7,value := <<"NewValue">>,version := 1}
%% ....
], more := false}}
= eetcd_kv:get(Ctx3).
%% deletes
{ok,#{deleted := 1,
header :=
#{cluster_id := 11360555963653019356,
member_id := 11020526813496739906,raft_term := 5,
revision := 7},
prev_kvs := []}}
= eetcd_kv:delete(?NAME, "KeyExist").
%% batch deletes
Ctx = eetcd_kv:new(register),
Ctx1 = eetcd_kv:with_key(Ctx, "K"),
Ctx2 = eetcd_kv:with_prefix(Ctx1),
{ok,#{deleted := 100,
header :=
#{cluster_id := 11360555963653019356,
member_id := 13803658152347727308,raft_term := 5,
revision := 9},
prev_kvs := []}}
= eetcd_kv:delete(Ctx2).
%% implement etcd v2 CompareAndSwap by Txn
{ok,#{count := 1,
header := #{revision := Revision},
kvs :=
[#{ mod_revision := ModRev,value := Value}],
more := false}}
= eetcd_kv:get(?NAME, Kv1),
Cmp = eetcd_compare:new(Kv1),
If = eetcd_compare:mod_revision(Cmp, "=", ModRev),
Then = eetcd_op:put(eetcd_kv:with_value(eetcd_kv:with_key(eetcd_kv:new(), Key), <<"Change", Value/binary>>)),
Else = [],
eetcd_kv:txn(EtcdConnName, If, Then, Else).
1> eetcd_lease:grant(Name, TTL),
{ok,#{'ID' => 1076765125482045706,'TTL' => 100,error => <<>>,
header =>
#{cluster_id => 11360555963653019356,
member_id => 16409577466894847729,raft_term => 5,
revision => 9}}}
2> eetcd_lease:keep_alive(Name, 1076765125482045706).
3> eetcd_lease:leases(Name).
{ok,#{header =>
#{cluster_id => 11360555963653019356,
member_id => 11020526813496739906,raft_term => 5,
revision => 9},
leases => [#{'ID' => 1076765125482045706}]}}
More detailed examples see eetcd_kv_SUITE.erl eetcd_watch_SUITE.erl eetcd_lease_SUITE.erl.
-define(NAME, watch_example_conn).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
start_link() ->
gen_server:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
init([]) ->
erlang:process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Registers = ["", "", ""],
{ok, _Pid} = eetcd:open(?NAME, Registers),
ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, {read_concurrency, true}, public]),
{ok, Services, Revision} = get_exist_services(),
ets:insert(?MODULE, Services),
{ok, Conn} = watch_services_event(Revision),
{ok, Conn}.
get_exist_services() ->
Ctx = eetcd_kv:new(?NAME),
Ctx1 = eetcd_kv:with_key(Ctx, <<"heartbeat:">>),
Ctx2 = eetcd_kv:with_prefix(Ctx1),
Ctx3 = eetcd_kv:with_keys_only(Ctx2),
{ok, #{header := #{revision := Revision}, kvs := Services}} = eetcd_kv:get(Ctx3),
Services1 =
[_, Type, IP, Port] = binary:split(Key, [<<"|">>], [global]),
{{IP, Port}, Type}
end || #{key := Key} <- Services],
{ok, Services1, Revision}.
watch_services_event(Revision) ->
ReqInit = eetcd_watch:new(),
ReqKey = eetcd_watch:with_key(ReqInit, <<"heartbeat:">>),
ReqPrefix = eetcd_watch:with_prefix(ReqKey),
Req = eetcd_watch:with_start_revision(ReqPrefix, Revision + 1),
eetcd_watch:watch(?NAME, Req).
handle_info(Msg, Conn) ->
case eetcd_watch:watch_stream(Conn, Msg) of
{ok, NewConn, WatchEvent} ->
{noreply, NewConn};
{more, NewConn} ->
{noreply, NewConn};
{error, _Reason} ->
#{watch_ids := Ids} = Conn,
%% We expect there is only one watch in the Conn in this example
%% If there are more than one watch (aka multiplexing watch stream),
%% this watcher process should keep the corresponding key/prefix to the watch id,
%% to retrieve the correct revision of it.
[#{revision := Revision}] = maps:values(Ids),
{ok, NewConn} = watch_services_event(Revision),
{noreply, NewConn};
unknown ->
{noreply, Conn}
handle_call(_Request, _From, Conn) ->
{reply, ok, Conn}.
handle_cast(_Request, Conn) ->
{noreply, Conn}.
terminate(_Reason, _Conn) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, Conn, _Extra) ->
{ok, Conn}.
update_services(#{events := Events}) ->
[_, Type, IP, Port] = binary:split(Key, [<<"|">>], [global]),
case EventType of
'PUT' -> ets:insert(?MODULE, {{IP, Port}, Type});
'DELETE' -> ets:delete(?MODULE, {IP, Port})
end || #{kv := #{key := Key}, type := EventType} <- Events],
We can use a single stream for multiplex watches, see example.
| Name | Status | IP:Port | Conn | Gun |LeaseNum|
| test | Active ||<0.535.0> |<0.536.0> | 1 |
| test | Active ||<0.535.0> |<0.539.0> | 2 |
| Name | Status | IP:Port | Conn | ReconnectSecond |
| test | Freeze ||<0.535.0> | 1.6 |
is normal connection.Freeze
is a broken connection who try to reconnect afterReconnectSecond
rebar3 ct
rebar3 etcd gen