This is an implementation of Semi-supervised generative adversarial network in the paper Improved Techniques for Training GANs for Mnist dataset. This method and its extensions have marvellous performance on traditional CV datasets, and remain state-of-art (by the end of November, 2017).
Inspired by Good Semi-supervised Learning that Requires a Bad GAN, semi-supervised GAN with feature matching actually generates unrealistic fake samples around high-density region. With the inborn continuity, the fake region in feature space split the bounds of different classes.
The code was implemented in Python 2.7, but I think it also runs well under Python 3.
Default configs include CPU, saving and autoloading, generating logfile in tensorboard format, etc. You can use python --cuda
to run it on GPU.
The latest torch
(0.4 version), tensorboardX
, torchvision
are needed.
Default configs can train models achieving 98.5% accuracy on test dataset with 100 labeled data(10 per class) and other 59,000 unlabeled data after 100 epochs.
loss_label => red, loss_unlabel => blue, loss_gen => green
It must be noted that OpenAI implementation(theano) demonstrates a different curve, where loss_gen is nearly zero and loss_unlabel increase gradually.
- The implementation is based on OpenAI implementation.
- But I found it hard to reproduce expected results and suffered from exploding gradients. I changed the final layer in generator from Sigmoid to Softplus, and therefore fixed it.
includes the trained model, you can simply delete it for retraining.- The archectures of networks are elaborately designed, among them
Weight Normalization
is very important. - Thank Jiapeng Hong for discussing with me.