bettercap Public
Forked from bettercap/bettercapThe state of the art network attack and monitoring framework.
Go Other UpdatedMar 2, 2018 -
glutton Public archive
Forked from mushorg/gluttonAll eating honeypot
Go MIT License UpdatedFeb 28, 2018 -
bankbot-mazain Public
Analysis of BankBot/Mazain: An Open Source Banking Trojan That Targets Android Devices
Presentations Public
My presentation materials from various conferences, workshops, and similar events
1 UpdatedNov 27, 2016 -
ancientdocs Public
Some Turkish ancient documents that I wrote about *BSD, Cyber Security, Networking & Programming etc.
awesome-honeypots Public
Forked from paralax/awesome-honeypotsan awesome list of honeypot resources
Forked from OWASP/OWASP-VWADThe OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory Project (VWAD) is a comprehensive and well maintained registry of all known vulnerable web applications currently available.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 31, 2016 -
bankalarbirligi Public
slempo Android Bot - bankalarbirligi Sahte Flash Player Zararlı Yazılım Analizi
mitmproxy Public
Forked from mitmproxy/mitmproxyAn interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers
honeything Public
Forked from omererdem/honeythingTR-069 Honeypot
MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet Public
Forked from tanprathan/MobileApp-Pentest-CheatsheetThe Mobile App Pentest cheat sheet was created to provide concise collection of high value information on specific mobile application penetration testing topics.
awesome-ssh Public
Forked from moul/awesome-ssh💻 A curated list of SSH resources.
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJan 29, 2016 -
android-security-awesome Public
Forked from ashishb/android-security-awesomeA collection of android security related resources
MISP - Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing
PHP GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 28, 2015 -
mobil_sube.apk Public
Türk Finans Sektörünü Hedef Alan Mobil Zararlı Yazılım: Mobil Şube
bro-intel-scripts Public
Forked from john-babio/bro-intel-scriptsBro network security monitor intelligence framework scripts
Bro UpdatedDec 18, 2014 -
cdap Public
Forked from cdapio/cdapCask Data Application Platform (CDAP)
Java Other UpdatedSep 25, 2014 -
bro-junk-drawer Public
Forked from sethhall/zeek-junk-drawerBro Junk Drawer
Bro UpdatedDec 16, 2013 -
sshuttle Public
Forked from apenwarr/sshuttleTransparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn't require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling.