Wine cataloging and rating app.
Single, User Wine App (view, add, remove Wine entries)
- MZ: implement filtering wine display by searching
- MZ: add instant search results
- MZ: implement batch select (on long click recycler list entry) + batch delete
You can customize the little bar that goes on top of the app.
Add The App Bar --- Set Up the App Bar ---
Bundle is a Android interface that let's you add PODs (primitive data types) and objects that implement Parcelable into some transferable object for passing between fragments and activies and stuff. A Parcel is similar to a Bundle in that it's a class that lets you marshall (i.e. serialize, but without the implication that it's being written/read to a string).
Bundle ---
Parcelable ---
Parcel ---
// in sender code
Wine w = new Wine(<blah>); // note, Wine implements Parcelable
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putParcelable("wine", w); // first arg is a string key
// pass bundle to fragment or different activity
// e.g. fragment.setArguments(b);
// ...
// in receiver code
Bundle bundle = this.getArguments();
Wine w = bundle.getParcelable("wine");
A RecyclerList/RecyclerView is a new container that is used to display large lists of items. Each entry ("ViewHolder") in this recycler list consists of one of more View objects. Android provides a view object called a "CardView" that is for displaying information in flash card type format (think Google Feed).
RecyclerList + CardView ---
Some useful tips are to create a fragment with a CardView inside. (Make sure the CardView's height is wrap_content and not match_parent.) Then inside OnBindViewHolder inside the recycler view adapter, inflate the fragment, attach it to the provided parent ViewGroup and populate with model information.
As of the time of this writing (April 8, 2019), importing an image into Android Studio using the GUI results in a blank image. This stack overflow question says to manually copy the desired image in the res/drawable* folders and refresh the project if necessary.