Wine cataloging and rating app.
Single, User Wine App (view, add, remove Wine entries)
- MZ: implement filtering wine display by searching
- MZ: add instant search results
- MZ: implement batch select (on long click recycler list entry) + batch delete
Aesthetic Overhaul
- MZ: replace wine recyclerlist entries TextView with full Fragment
Bundle is a Android interface that let's you add PODs (primitive data types) and objects that implement Parcelable into some transferable object for passing between fragments and activies and stuff. A Parcel is similar to a Bundle in that it's a class that lets you marshall (i.e. serialize, but without the implication that it's being written/read to a string).
Bundle ---
Parcelable ---
Parcel ---
// in sender code
Wine w = new Wine(<blah>); // note, Wine implements Parcelable
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putParcelable("wine", w); // first arg is a string key
// pass bundle to fragment or different activity
// e.g. fragment.setArguments(b);
// ...
// in receiver code
Bundle bundle = this.getArguments();
Wine w = bundle.getParcelable("wine");