Contains a frameowork to train various Deep Learning Models with the aim to remove non-linear noise from Electrocardiogram signals.
Digital Signal Processing
Contains various Digitial Signal Processing problems, including the design of digital filters, numerical questions and other.
Intelligent Systems and Control
Contains various Intelligent systems projects, including Multi-layer Perceptron design for forecasting, numerical questions and other.
Control and Estimation Theory
Contains various numerical solutions to control and estimation problems.
Microelectronic Devices and Technology
Contains various micro-electronic numerical questions, including appropriate transister fabrication and design.
Contains code and documentation for the design of a control (PID and MPC) and estimation (Kalman filter) system to control the altitude of a quadcopter system.
Model Predictive Control for Aircraft Pitch
Contains code and documentation for the design of a MPC controller to control the pitch angle of an aircraft.
Wireless Sensors and Systems
Contains numerical solutions for wireless sensor and systems problems.
Backend Development Course Contains relevant code and documentation for backend software development course by Boot.Dev
Deep Learning Projects Contains relevent code for various deep learning mini-projects.