Docpuller script is a script that is designated to obtain desired documents from your “victim’s” device automatically and efficiently by submitting specific or generic parameters.
the script scans for files with the same file-type-category specified AND modify-date in the range of the specifeid dates, OR for any file whose name includes one of the keywords, the script will scan for files only in the specified directories.
(file.type in file_types and from_date <= <= to_date) or in keywords
** More info coming soon.. **
Documents can be obtained by using one of the two following methods:
- Locally – USB flash drive
- Remotely – client-server
- Clone the project to your local machine
git clone
- Move into the project directly
cd DocPuller
- Install the requirements via the requiements.txt file with the following command:
pip install -r requiermetns.txt
- run