This example highlights some of the key components of working with us. We use this assignment to determine the level of your coding level and where you might fit in our developer stack. There is no wrong answer or wrong way of doing this. Please try to do this by yourself. This task may take up to between 3-5 hours and should be done in object oriented PHP.
- You must not use a framework such as symfony, laravel, codeigniter etc.
- You may use external standalone libraries/components.
- You may use any of the css frameworks like bootstrap, semanticui etc.
- Create a project that implements an API from here:
- The project must include
- A list of products
- Detail view of each product
- Detail view should consist of a minimum of an image, a title, and a description
- Should be able to navigate between the list and detail view
- Write tests where possible
- Bonus Points
- Searching/filtering data in the list
- List pagination if greater than 20 items or lazy-load
- Additional views
- Fork this repo
- Submit a PR