A startup CMS using Docker Compose, Node, and React
- Docker Toolbox (not required for Linux)
- a docker hub account
It's not a full blown CMS but more of a starting point to build upon. Uses an admin dashboard to view/add/delete users and articles (pages).
The admin UI is built with React with webpack. Site pages are templated using ejs and Sass for styling. The back-end api uses Express, Sequelize (ORM) and a single Postgres database. Adminer gets installed as well to opionally navigate the DB.
> docker-compose up
To create the database (if run for the first time) bash into the postgres container:
docker exec -i -t <postgres_container_name> bash
Create database then quit:
psql -U postgres
CREATE DATABASE demo_schema;
Import schema from the dump folder then exit: (this is located in the db-dumps folder locally)
psql -U postgres demo_schema < app-db-dumps/dbexport.pgsql
If you need to export the database again after working on it:
pg_dump -U postgres demo_schema > app-db-dumps/dbexport.pgsql
To previewe: (example: on Windows. Get this through: docker-machine ip MACHINE_VM))
Access Adminer:
Plug this in for the Postgres login settings:
system: postgresSQL
db server:
For React Development: make sure webpack is installed globally, navigate to your app folder then run:
webpack --watch --progress --watch-polling
For Sass development: make sure compass is installed, navigate to your app folder then run:
compass watch
If it says there's no database but you've created one, first try modifying a file then saving it to get nodemon going and have it build/update the app.
If docker is giving you trouble try recreating the containers:
docker-compose up --force-recreate
To rebuild all including images: (make sure to backup your database first)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a)
docker rmi -f $(docker images)
docker-compose up
Things that should be done in the near future:
- make react version contact form
- make the menu router logic modular
- enable editing of articles after creation
- create a tree for managing/arranging menu items
- create a shortcode method for contact form instead of contact page template