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Bennett Feely

This repo is now solely my personal homepage at


Projects were previously in subfolders in this one repo (which is why this repo has so many stars).

Each project is now in its own respective repo. Give 'em a star!

Repo link Live demo Description
antiweather Live See the weather at the opposite point on Earth
clippy Live Shape up your website with CSS clip-paths
csscreatures Live Make a creature by tweeting to @csscreatures
csspiechart Live Generate a pie chart with CSS conic gradients
flexplorer Live CSS flexible box model explorer
gradients Live CSS gradients with background-blend-mode
image-effects Live Complex image effects with CSS
scales Live Color scales reproduced as CSS gradients
trumptalk Live Generate a President Trump Inaugural Address
usa-css Live The most American CSS stylesheet
usa-2200 Live Retro simulation of America
youtubedecade Live Most-viewed videos posted exactly 10 years ago.
ztext Live Easy to implement, 3D typography for the web.