- Pro
The main data repository for the Open Exoplanet Catalogue
🔧 .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS
Puppet module to manage Vault (https://vaultproject.io)
Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more
Mirrors the contents of a git repository into Consul KVs.
Circuit: Dynamic cloud orchestration http://gocircuit.org
Fork of http://sourceforge.net/projects/mjpg-streamer/
Golang webserver to display output of Raspberry Pi camera module and trigger gpio.
DEPRECATED: Use https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint
A collection of resources covering Nginx, Nginx + Lua, OpenResty and Tengine
Sample of releasing golang project from Drone.io
A reference implementation for using the go-raft library for distributed consensus.
Advanced Dnsmasq management module for puppet CFM
DNS wrapper library that provides SRV lookup functionality