I'm a Junior at Brown University pursuing an ScB in computer science! In addition to loving computer science I enjoy filmmaking and photography, check it out here 📸.
- Course Development for Introduction to Algorithms & Data Structures: redesigning homeworks, projects, lectures, sections and more for this 250+ Brown CS course as well as creating a robust autograder to give student feedback (in a private repo).
- Bubble: built site that loads and clusters news hourly from diverse sources to see how different sources are discussing todays largest stories. Check it out here
- TA for Deep Learning course at Brown University
- Intern at Cloudbakers summer 2020 & 2019: gained experience with full stack development and Google Cloud Platform
- TA for Introduction to Algorithms & Data Structures at Brown University (Spring 2019)
- FilterNet AI photo editor using deep learning and Tensorflow
- Colorizer AI photo colorization of black and white photos using deep learning and Tensorflow