npm install banner-api
To get an instance of the API use:
var banner-api = require('banner-api')
The passed in callback function will be called with the apiInstance once it is loaded
An apiInstance has a field apiEndpoints that is an array of apiEndpoints
An apiEndpoint has
- A method call(callback) with the returned data from the endpoint being passed to the callback function in the format:
name:EndpointName String,
data:EndpointData Dictionary
- Fields
- apiType
- apiName
- urlName
For example to call and output data from all endpoints
var banner-api = require('banner-api')
banner-api.create("schoolCode","UserId","Pass", function(api) {
for(x in api.apiEndpoints){
var endpoint = api.apiEndpoints[x] {
console.log(data['name'] + '')
- Wilfrid Laurier University - 757