I'm actively working on this and will redo this readme when it's ready to use. For now, below is plan.
A workshopper module for learning Git and GitHub - Social coding, y'all.
These modules run a little app in your terminal and users work their way through the challenges. See nodeschool.io for more.
This workshopper takes workshoppees on a journey through Git and GitHub (and with all that, a little basic command line, too). The screenshot above shows the current menu.
Workshoppees will complete the first few challenges locally with Git on a new repository they create. Then they push that repository to Git. Next they'll fork a repository and learn the bits about setting up remotes and contributing and such. I'd like this forked repository (specifically for this workshopper) to be a little more interactive (see Repo-Bot Future below) and be kind of neat. Each PR would be a needed contribution to something bigger. See this issue for more thoughts on this.
I also intend on building a bot that listens to events on a repo (the one given as the repo to fork in this workshop) so that workshops can do things like pull in changes, or possible handle a merge conflict! Eek!
I want to throw in GitHub Pages into this, too, because it's so great. How nice to end up with your own website at the end of this workshop?
Note, I'm still working on this so not everything will work until this is no longer a work in progress. It's not even on NPM yet. But it will be and it will work like this:
You'll need Node.js and NPM.
$ npm install -g git-it
$ git-it
Until then, if you want to install it anyway (remember, it doesn't work yet) you can:
git clone https://github.com/jlord/git-it.git
cd git-it
npm link
notes to self
- add intro to terminal/bash/shell
- something about text editors
- add git diff in challenge