virtualenv Public
Forked from pypa/virtualenvVirtual Python Environment builder
rails-decal-proj2 Public
Forked from oraje/rails-decal-proj2Rails project 2.
hacker-scripts Public
Forked from NARKOZ/hacker-scriptsBased on a true story
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowOpen source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs.
molokai Public
Forked from tomasr/molokaiMolokai color scheme for Vim
proj1 Public
Forked from rails-decal/proj1Project 1 for Ruby on Rails Course
graylog2-server Public
Forked from Graylog2/graylog2-serverFree and open source log management
pytrends Public
Forked from GeneralMills/pytrendsPseudo API for Google Trends
fa15-hw1 Public
Forked from daliu/fa15-hw1Homework 1 for Ruby on Rails Decal Fall 2015
lectureCode Public
Forked from Berkeley-CS61B/lectureCode-sp15Code developed in lecture. Starter code if you want to try to do what I did.
rippled Public
Forked from XRPLF/rippledRipple peer-to-peer network daemon
datasci_course_materials Public
Forked from uwescience/datasci_course_materialsPublic repository for course materials for the Spring 2013 session of Introduction to Data Science, an online coursera course.