A useful function to tile the point within certain cells when loading map, in order to achieve a faster, more comfortable experience.
python3 -m http.server
Run above code in cellTile directory to start a http server. Then in any explorer, go into:
and open your .html file.
- output from Tileup, used as the image of map;
- draw the boundary of cells, also used to generate the centroid by get_centroid.py
- file contains location and cell information of each single transcription.
- First col as the x coord; Second as the y coord;
- Fourth as cell id; Fifth as gene ID
- A single-col file with every gene ID as a single row
- Used in the dropdown box
- Need to change the parameters to fit your own data
- Map size should fit with your location information (axis, coordinate, ...)
- Stain layers to choose
- Colorlist now have about 150 colors; would report error if there are more cells. Can manually add new color to prevent.
- Need to change the parameters to fit your own data
- A collection of csv files each containing all data for each single cell. Names as the cell IDs. Geenrated by pre_processing.R.
- Old version which load the whole data at once; may not be compatible when data is really large; still can work in small dataset.
- Also can work. If interested, please give a try.