These are the proceedures i used
1.install ansible on the master server 2.then install openssh-server on all the servers using this cmd 'sudo apt update , sudo apt install openssh-server' 3.generate a key on the master using the cmd 'ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C 'ansible' 4.share the public key to the client servers to see the key used 'ls -la .ssh' then 'cat .ssh/ ' copy the keys to each server use 'ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ then the ip of remoteserver' 6. to connect to each now use 'ssh clientservername@ip_address ' eg ssh [email protected] 7. cmd to execeute ansible playbook = ansible-playbook --ask-become playbook
BONUS: to copy from files/folders used this cmd
scp /Document/jenkins.ppt [email protected]:/