!!! Updated at 2.07.2018 with new logic
This script allows bots to get to content blocked by the Incapsula bot mitigator. It manages this by validating a list of proxies using Incapsula's own algorithm.
After the validation, the proxies should be ready to be used for any request on the domain blocked by Incapsula.
An array of proxies is needed, the script validates them in order to bypass Incapsula. The proxies must have these parameters:
$arrProxy = array("IP:PORT" => "", "PROTOCOL" => "HTTP");
The class needs to be instantiated with the array of proxies to be validated and the domain of the site blocked by Incapsula:
$objIncapsulaProxyValidator = new IncapsulaProxyValidator($arrAllProxies,"https://domain-name");
You can also instantiate with custom paths for cookies and raw_data folders.
- "cookies" folder is used to store cookies for each proxy that is validated
- "raw_data" folder is used to store pcntl_fork() data
$objIncapsulaProxyValidator = new IncapsulaProxyValidator($arrAllProxies,"https://domain-name", $strCustomCookiesFolderPath, $strCustomForkDataFolderPath);
After this, the validator needs to be started:
$arrLegitProxies = $objIncapsulaProxyValidator->_createLegitProxies();
$arrLegitProxies is an array of proxies that have been validated by Incapsula and are ready to be used for requests.