notion2md is a github action workflow to conver Notion Database to Markdown file automatically. feel free to use it on your blog or anywhere you want.
you can simply duplicate this demo db as a template
- go to to get notion token
- db id like : 【10ae95237d4b8023add0d42c858d464f】 in demo db url
- token connection
- click to fork this repo
- github token: Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions -> New repository secret
- fill your NOTION_DATABASE_ID and NOTION_TOKEN according to the values that you get from your notion
create .env file like below once you have cloned the repo on your local machine
# .env file on the root directory
// set CONFIG as below in `.github/workflows/notion2md.js` if you want
const CONFIG ={ //default values
days: 7,
filename:'weekly news'
# then run the dev command
npm i
npm run dev
- install save-to-notion to your browser
- then select the notion database you created
- fill the form and click save