- This is the activity for Module 6 lesson 1 of the NJIT full-stack intro course
- You are a developer working for an e-commerce company. The team has built an awesome website, but now your PM has tasked you with adding data persistance to it.
- Store the user's name in localStorage when they first visit the site
- Retrieve the user's name from localStorage when the page loads and display it
- When items are added to a cart store them in localStorage
- Retrieve the user's items in cart from localStorage when the cart.html page loads and display them
- Add item count to index.html using
- Add total price to cart.html using
- Fork this project to your GitHub
- Clone your copy locally
- Complete the above tasks locally
- Track your files with git and push to your repo
- Submit a Pull Request of your changes to my repo
- This activity builds on everything we have learned so far...
- some of the stuff I used to make this website is in the second lecture, don't worry about it yet.
- focus on the localStorage tasks I have above and it will make sense at the end of the Module 6
- items.json holds examples of store items, we learned about JSON in lecture its an important concept to become familiar with