A list of alternative splicing analysis resources
A simple Snakemake profile for Slurm without --cluster-config
Turn an existing conda environment into a Singularity container
Run Rstudio Server in a conda environment
Cookiecutter template for a Python package.
Generate a responsive CSS3 and HTML5 resume with Markdown, with optional PDF output.
A transparent bridge between Git and Dropbox - use a Dropbox (shared) folder as a Git remote! 🎁
odeke-em / drive
Forked from rakyll/driveGoogle Drive client for the commandline
Pangolin is a deep-learning method for predicting splice site strengths.
A complete tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis
Hypothesis Prioritisation in multi-trait Colocalization
R package for performing high dimensional multi-trait colocalization analyses using GWAS summary data
kauralasoo / rasqual
Forked from natsuhiko/rasqualRobust Allele Specific Quantification and quality controL
An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
dplyr-style piping operations for pandas dataframes
Robust Allele Specific Quantification and quality controL
Simple data science website using Jupyter notebooks.
Magic auto brightness based on screen contents 💡
~anish • powered by 💾
Zepeng-Mu / pyGenomeTracks
Forked from deeptools/pyGenomeTrackspython module to plot beautiful and highly customizable genome browser tracks
An R package for assembling data frames from HTML tables (fka htmltable)
R package for adaptive correlation and covariance matrix shrinkage.