Code for AMICA: Adaptive Mixture ICA with shared component
Refer to the Amica wiki for documentation.
Refer also to Jason Palmer's AMICA page.
Install Intel OneAPI Base Toolkit for Windows.
Install Intel OneAPI HPC Toolkit for Windows.
Open Intel OneAPI command window (in Start menu, 32 or 64 bit as appropriate). Change to directory with Amica code, and compile Amica with the command (/F sets the stack size):
> mpif90 /Qopenmp /Qmkl /F2147483648 /DMKL /fpp /O3 /exe:amica15mkl.exe funmod2.f90 amica15.f90
> .\amica15mkl.exe .\amicadefs.param
The files impi.dll and libfabric.dll should be copied to executable folder when running outside OneAPI command window. Search OneAPI mpi directory for locations.
These are old instructions. Try using Intel OneAPI modifiying the commands similar to the instructions for Windows above.
Install Intel Fortran compiler for Mac/Linux (free demo). See
Compile MPICH2 setting environmental vars CC, CXX, FC, and F77 to icc and ifort. Set $FBIN to Intel Fortran bin directory.
i) Download the mpich-3.2 code from:
ii) Compile mpich-3.2:
$ cp /Users/$USER/downloads/mpich-3.2.tar.gz . $ setenv CC $FBIN/icc $ setenv CXX $FBIN/icc $ setenv F77 $FBIN/ifort $ setenv FC $FBIN/ifort $ tar xvf mpich-3.2.tar.gz $ cd mpich-3.2 $ ./configure --prefix=/Users/$USER/mpich-3.2-install $ make $ make install
Compile Amica with the command:
$ ~/mpich-3.2-install/bin/mpif90 -L/Users/$USER/mpich-3.2-install/lib/ -I/Users/$USER/mpich-3.2-install/include/ -qopenmp -mkl -static-intel -O3 -fpp -DMKL amica15.f90 funmod2.f90 -o amica15mac
i) Download Sample EEG Data (Memorize.fdt and amicadefs.param) from:
ii) Test binary:
$ ./amica15mac ./amicadefs.param
These are old instructions. Try using Intel OneAPI modifiying the commands similar to the instructions for Windows above.
Install Intel Fortran compiler for Linux.
Compile MPICH2 setting environmental vars CC, CXX, FC, and F77 to icc and ifort.
Compile Amica with the command:
$ /home/jason/mpich2-3.2-install/bin/mpif90 -I/opt/intel/mkl/include/ -fpp -qopenmp -O3 -mkl -static -static-intel -DMKL funmod2.f90 amica15.f90 -o amica15ub
$ ./amica15ub ./amicadefs.param
- load appropriate modules:
module purge
module load cpu
module load intel
module load intel-mkl
module load mvapich2
mpif90 -static-intel -fpp -O3 -march=core-avx2 -heap-arrays \
-qopenmp -mkl -DMKL -o amica15ex funmod2.f90 amica15.f90
- Compile Amica with the command:
mpif90 -static-intel -fpp -O3 -march=core-avx2 -heap-arrays \
-qopenmp -mkl -DMKL -o amica15ex funmod2.f90 amica15.f90
- Test:
$ ./amica15ex ./amicadefs.param
1.7 - Update documentation for pop_runamica and add test file
1.6.1 - Modify Windows compilation instructions. Intel OneAPI should be tested for Mac and Ubuntu.
1.6 - Deprecate Comet and replace with Expanse supercomputer executable
1.5.2 - Comet supercomputer executable